Frequently asked questions


Can I work remote?

Yes! At Redslim we hire based on talent, rather than location. We especially like growing our team closer to where our customers are.


Can you implement a data lake solution?

Yes this is something we do, and we choose Azure as a platform for that. We can also operate in your cloud or adopt a mixed approach.


How can you be efficient yet bespoke?

We use our established routines for collecting, enriching and integrating your data. Our platform evolves at our command.


Can I join as an intern?

At Redslim we welcome curricular internships that we like to organize around specific projects and objectives. Send an open application!


How can SPRINT evolve on your clients’ feedback?

Our front-end SPRINT is internally designed and maintained. We are completely independent in pushing new features that our clients prioritize.


Can you process data from all agencies?

Yes, we’re data agnostic. Only pre-requisite is the signature of third-party agreements, a straightforward process that every agency will be supporting.