Case study

Understand distant market forces at once

Leveraging data science to calculate growth drivers across country.

Global Consumer Insights managers need to measure performance and analyze distant markets that in many cases they do not know first-hand and they may have never even visited. In this role, they are reliant on local partners to investigate local trends and unlock the dynamics of obscure retail landscapes.

Market data can provide the needed insights, but it typically only gives a static picture. Growth, shares, trends. Organizations would like access to immediate and up-to-date information about HOW brands are winning in the market, but they are slowed down by having to interpret locally coded information about realities which are different from the ones they live in.

This was a real concern for our client, operating across 40+ markets and 8 categories. Redslim leveraged algorithms and data science to enrich market data with KPIs, bringing into focus the forces that were driving growth in the market. Innovation, price, distribution… every brand is leveraging a different strategy, and data is organized to tell that unique story.

What is contributing the most to growth in a specific category? Am I strengthening my distribution in this country? What are the tools our competitors are adopting in their strategy? Answers to such questions are now quickly available for a global team, and discussions with country peers can directly focus on deep diving into the next level.


Want to go over your opportunities?

Eric Bensimon
+33 6 23 89 73 85


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